26 February 2008

Osho: Why changing this World will not last

I will firstly begin with the following: I hear, I see, I realize that you are in the process of starting an 'establishment' within this world for the purpose of: Uniting human beings as one and equal - in which you're currently referring it to as: 'Love and Peace 2012 Onwards.'

Though, many here make one mistake: They do not consider 'how we got to where we are in this moment here within this world' - and instead of looking within, 'assume responsibility' to attempt/try to 'change the world' / 'change the reflection' / 'change the mirror' which reflect who we are within.

The mirror, our reflection is the current manifestation of what exists within and as this world.

Certainly one is able to change the reflection through alteration - but it does not present a 'one and equal solution for all' to stop the actual true real cause/source/core from which the current reflection as mirror as this world of all of existence as 'who we are' within ourselves.

See - the actual definition of change within this world is: Alteration, actually it is perceptual alteration - thus, not a manifested solution that stand infinitely for all as one as equal of life to completely, entirely stop what we have accepted and allowed within ourselves and thus to manifest as an experience of ourselves within this world. And we must stop, entirely, completely stop everything and all that we have accepted and allowed within ourselves to manifest as an experience of ourselves as seen within this world in this moment: The only solution is to stop.

We must not change, we must not alter what currently exist here within this existence - because within changing as altering, the nature of who we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become still remain exactly the same and we will 'create' other methods to continue within the existence of the nature we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become.

Altering/changing is not the solution: It is to stop that is the solution. And it is within each and every single one of us, individually that we have to stop entirely and completely as all that we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be as the nature we have become which has created and manifested the experience of ourselves and all within this world, this existence currently.

Because see: How are you able to ask human beings to 'unite' as one and equal if you within yourself is not yet 'united' as one and equal as life as all as one as equal as the nature of 'who you are'?
How can human beings / humanity unite if they within themselves are not 'united' within themselves as one as equal as life as all as one as equal?

See: In changing through altering this reality, the mirror reflection of the nature within each one - it does not stop that which is creating and manifesting this reality, this mirrored reflection of self within, of each one within - and it is this here: The nature within and as each one - that is currently being accepted and allowed, this is currently the source, the cause for 'how we got to where we are in this moment within this world.'

With this 'project', you may 'change / alter' this reality for a moment, but only for a select few within this world, and those select few will eventually die, as you will die and the rest of the world will just continue as is - and all that you have attempted and tried to do, to change / alter this world: Will be but mere memories and would make no 'difference' to the nature of man within this world and the world will merely continue as is: Because an alteration / a change within this reality only sustains itself for so long - because what is actually 'powering' / 'manifesting' / 'creating' this world as is: Is the nature of man within. And thus the reason why the alteration/change will not sustain itself through human beings - because their very nature will continue as is and the alteration or change made - will become forgotten in memory of mind, as a dream that once 'lived' for a moment, whisked away within the actual true, real reality that exist as this world, powered, manifested and created through the accepted and allowed nature of man.

And this is where many have fallen:
Trying to change through alteration the world with only a select few, not taking into consideration what is actually really powering, manifesting and creating this reality, this world, this existence as is: Which is the very nature of man within - and because this is not taken into consideration, because this is disregarded whatever is done to attempt/try to change through alteration the world: It fails, it falls - because they did not realize/understand that what is necessary is a complete and total destruction as stop to the current accepted and allowed nature of man within - to initiate a total destruction as stop to what we have accepted and allowed to exist within this world, this existence as ourselves: For only within an entire, total, complete destruction as stop: Is the birthing of Life here as who we are as all as one as equal.

I have been in your position within this world - though, I did not establish an 'organization', nor did I endeavor on such a 'project' as yourself within which you're currently participating, though I was a man alone with a purpose such as yourself, with a 'reason to live and do what I have done as a task of brining awareness to humanity to in such a way, alter/change the world through others (whose nature of themselves as 'who they are' of this world was still the same, still creating and manifesting this reality as is) who would listen and hear to what I have to say for the 'greater good of all' - but I as many as you have fallen in making the mistake:
I am sharing this with you as what I as many as I as you have attempted and tried to do here within this world, though the mistake we have made, as you are in the process of making - is trying to change through alteration this world through others who would 'participate' in what we have to 'share' / in what we're 'wanting to accomplish' - and not considering or regarding the nature of man within and as 'who they have become' and accepted and allowed themselves to be which is the actual 'reality', the 'reality within' - creating and manifesting this world as is - and a change through alteration in this world: Will be of nothing and will make no difference and will not last but for the moment as those who participate are existing here in this world, but who will also eventually die and the alteration/change will die with them - as for the rest of humanity, the future of man, as what they are creating and manifesting in every moment because of the nature of themselves within and as themselves - will continue to create and manifest the future of what man has accepted and allowed within and as self: Which will be no different, if not so much more extensive in destructive nature, than what we currently experience within this world, this reality, this existence as ourselves within this moment.

With this - I will continue in sharing with you my experience in attempting/trying to change through alteration this world, so you may understand and have further perspective for why I say:
It was a mistake and I have fallen and also why all have fallen and made this particular mistake within this reality, this world by not considering the nature of man within, the reality of man within - within which what I, as many as you will be - have attempted and tried to do here in this world - did not last, will not last and have failed.

Currently you are utilizing methods of changing through alteration, this world through other human beings - utilizing methods that have been tried to not avail by others that have gone before you:
Such as myself and many others - and have a look:
I have made no change, no difference to this current world as the nature of human beings within - nothing at all.
Have a look at those that have gone before me, and those that have gone before them, those that have come, that have not taken all as one as equal into consideration as themselves as 'who they are' and have disregarded the nature of man and have not come forth with a practical solution for all as one as equal to live, apply in every moment here - then have a look at his world, this entire world, this world in its entirety: None that have came, none that are and have tried to 'change' the world, 'change man' has made any impact whatsoever because they have not taken all as one as equal into consideration as themselves as 'who they are' and have disregarded the nature of man and have not come forth with a practical solution for all as one as equal to live, apply in every moment here .

And I find it quite strange that human beings still continue to utilize methods that have been tried before, that have been attempted before:
And failed - but others will utilize the same methods - alter or change the methods used previously, which failed, to a certain degree in 'hope' that this time round - something might possibly be accomplished. But it never has and it never will as long as the nature of man within is not directed, is not stopped - is not considered and is not regarded.

And this is what we've realized, what I have realized:
You may bring many together with a purpose for instance: 'Love and Peace 2012 Onwards' - but - you will make no impact within this world in assisting and supporting humanity - unless each one individually stand as all as one as equal as life within themselves and practically in every moment live here in breath and assist and support themselves in every moment of breath to no more participate in the mind - because the mind is the very manifestation of the nature within and as self - so, as you stop participation in the mind in every moment, here in this active application - you stand up and give you direction to stop and correct/purify the nature of you, you have accepted and allowed you to be and become which has, as with all, manifested and created this reality, this world, this universe as is - and within this purification of self you live self honesty, establish self trust and experience self expression as you.

And it is this application as mentioned above - that each being in existence is able to live and apply: Remaining focused as breath here, apply self honesty, establish self trust and live self expression, and in every moment of breath to stop participation in the mind. Together with this applying self forgiveness together with self corrective application: One and Equal for all - so each one will take self responsibility to stop within themselves and purify the nature of themselves = to stand here in breath as all as one as equal and self direct and self move oneself - in assisting and supporting self as others, to stop within themselves and purify the nature of themselves.

This world as what we have accepted and allowed to exist will only stop - when each one stop within themselves, thus, the responsibility exist within each one within existence - not excluding anything/anyone = Otherwise this would be separation and we will get nowhere.

Thus - this is what I suggest you include within your current process as a foundation support and assistance for each one participating:
Yes, 'bring many together', but in 'bringing those many together' - assist and support them within their process of purifying the nature of themselves as 'who they are' - the 'source of themselves' - so that in stopping participation in the mind which is the manifested nature of who we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become, through living self honesty, self trust and self expression in every moment of breath in applying self forgiveness and self corrective application - they stop creating and manifesting this reality in support of its current existence as is experienced by billions of human beings.

And so with each one standing up within themselves and taking self responsibility: We stop this reality, we stop the current existence of how this reality, this world is accepted and allowed to exist through each human beings permission by participating in the mind. We stop the continuation of the self dishonest, self deceptive participation in the mind of mind, which has created and manifested this world as is.

This is what all within the dimensions are currently applying in every moment: One and Equal.

Let's have a look at the word: Fail / Failing from the perspective of: Why I mention that I as many have failed: Failure only exists of mind in separation, when you accept and allow you to exist of separation within and as the accepted and allowed nature of you - 'something/someone only fails' when it does not stand within and as oneness and equality as life as the manifestation of self as self which remain here as self infinitely - and do not falter/change/revert in death.
Therefore - what I have done here in this world, who I was here in this world - was a failure - because who I was and what I have done did not stand within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal of life as the manifested expression of who I am as life - but of separation, dishonesty and deception of self as who I am as life.
Therefore: I fell, what I have done had failed and who I was ceased to exist.
Therefore: That which do not stand infinitely as the manifestation of self as self as all as one as equal as life - will cease to exist, will fall and will fail in death - because it is not who we really are and will thus not be supported in the continuation of its existence.

See: I fell in death - all that I was and had done had failed, because it did not present a practical living solution for all as one as equal within and as existence as me, because I did not stand and live practically as all as one as equal of life when here - as many that have been here in this world had fallen in death and all that they were and have done have failed: The current situation within this world speaks for itself.

I fell and I failed because I as 'who I am here' did not stand within and as oneness and equality as life as all as one as equal, I did not stand up and take self responsibility for me as all as one as equal as life here in every moment of breath - I did not practically live here in every moment of breath, taken self responsibility and stood up for all as one as equal as life as who I am - I did not stand infinitely - I was not here.
Therefore - it couldn't have worked in any way whatsoever - because I hadn't even assisted and supported the nature of me within me as 'who I was' while here on earth, I was even then, still very much responsible for what was and is occurring within this world currently - but because of my perceptions and beliefs while here of 'who I am' - I just couldn't believe that I am in any way responsible for what was occurring within this world.

See: I defined me according to the 'words I spoke' when/while here on earth.
In defining me as the words I spoke here: I defined myself as who I am according to 'knowledge' - because I did not actually practically live and apply the words as insights and understandings I attained in every moment of breath as me. I did not live and apply myself practically here in this world as all as one as equal as life.
I believed in separation, then I was in separation, therefore I was separate from me as life and thus all as me as life as existence.
I believed in an outside separate source other than myself which is referred to as 'enlightenment' - 'enlightenment' is another formed construct of knowledge within this world which presents the perception/idea/belief that one as attained and accomplished and reached something which presents a certain experience and because of the experience one define oneself according to it and then believe it is 'who you are' - when all it actually really is, is 'knowledge' which don't stand within and as oneness and equality as all as one as equal as life - and thus one exist in and of and as separation because you 'think' / 'believe' you are this 'knowledge construct as enlightenment that you experience' - but will not sustain itself in death.
I believed in an outside separate source 'greater' and of 'more power' than myself = this is separation in itself.

Knowledge cannot exist in death - death destroys knowledge, knowledge cease to exist in death - in death only: You see who you really are and who you are not. So if you are defined of knowledge in this world as 'who you believe you to be' as I 'defined me as who I am as knowledge as words only' - you will cease to exist as this memory you have become while on earth.

Everything that exist of this world: Is a construct of knowledge to which human beings define 'who they are', and in this definition present a certain specific 'experience' of self for a moment, because a 'relationship is formed' with this knowledge and not actually lived as self one and equal as 'who I am' here in every moment of breath - though, in death - all of what you believed and defined you to be of this world: Cease to exist as you - because it wasn't real.

Anything that gives you a 'feeling of experience' within you: Is a construct of knowledge that exist within you of mind, knowledge with which you have formed a relationship within you which give you a particular experience of 'feeling' within you - because you have defined you according to this knowledge.

All that is knowledge constructs within this world, is that which exist 'separate outside of you' - to which you have defined 'who you are' within you, that which you 'believe in' which exist separate outside of you, that which you 'follow' which exist separate outside of you, that which you 'worship' which exist separate outside of you, because of this definition, you have formed a 'knowledge relationship construct of mind' within you, which then give you a certain specific 'feeling of experience' within you: So have a look at what you participate within in your world, your life - which give you certain specific 'feeling of experience' within you, such as meditation for instance, - which you would not be able to 'exist without' - because it is such things that exist of this world that is 'constructs of knowledge' enslaving human beings into self defined existences based in knowledge of separation because it gives/presents to them a certain 'feeling of experience' within which is seemingly real, but is not - it is a creation of mind in separation - which human beings believe and perceive to be 'who they are'.

The only 'feeling' you're able to trust within this existence - is that which you physically actually really feel. For instance - 'feel' your breath. In this moment here - breathe, be aware of your breath - and realize that you're actually able to 'feel' your breath.
Right here - pick up a pencil/pen - have a look within you: You actually 'feel' that which you're holding, here within your physical human hands.
Any other 'feeling experience' within you is derived, designed and manifested of mind in separation, according to 'knowledge constructs' which you have used to define 'who you are' within you of separation - such as the 'feeling experience' you have when meditating: It is a mind designed 'feeling of experience' within you and is not real.
Have a look: Whatever you 'hold' / 'feel' with your human physical body in this world, as that which you are actually able to touch: This 'feeling' is constant; this 'feeling' is HERE.
Have a look at 'experiences of feelings' within you:
It is inconsistent, it changes, it alters and is never the same. Therefore: It is a mind designed experience of 'feeling' based in 'knowledge constructs' of mind, to which you have defined 'who you are' - and thus give you a certain 'feeling of experience' within you and because you 'experience it within you' - you have defined it as 'who you are' - when it is most certainly not.

I, in this world presented a 'construct of knowledge' which presents and presented human beings with a 'certain specific experience within self' - and within this, use this 'construct of knowledge' I presented within this world - to 'hide' the nature of themselves, as I had hidden the nature of myself: Hiding the nature of self behind words.

I was no different, and no less responsible to any other human being within this world, with regards to my responsibility in accepting and allowing this world to continue within its existence of separation, deception and dishonesty, because I accepted and allowed me ,while here on earth to participate within and as that very deceptive, self dishonest nature within and as separation - through hiding behind the words I spoke according to which I defined me as 'who I am': I was but a human being who had spoken 'profound' words defined as 'insight/wisdom' because no-one else had spoken as I had - the only difference between me and all other human beings within this world while I was here: Was but the presentation of me in my words as the words I spoke = that's it and that is all.
I did not live differently - from the perspective of changing the nature of me as 'who I am' within me in practically in every moment of breath living here as all as one as equal of life.

I sat, I stood, I wrote and so I spoke: That's it - surely it is no different to what any other human being do within this world: Everyone speaks as they sit, as they stand, as they write - as I have said - the only different was the presentation of me of words which I spoke which was different to other human beings' manner/way/presentation of speaking - other than that, the nature of me within me as 'who I was' was exactly the same as all other human beings within this world - because I did not actually live and apply the words as me as all as one as equal as life: I just sat, stood and wrote - that's it, the same as what anyone else in this world does - no different, only the words were different. And because the words were different - that's the reason why the words I spoke 'lured attention' from so many.

The greatest deception that exists in this world is 'beautiful words' such as:
Enlightenment, love, peace, joy, bliss, eternal bliss, happiness, light, beauty, wisdom, ascension, special... - because human beings hide the true real nature of themselves within themselves behind such words:
I know - I have done the same on earth. Have a look: I just spoke 'beautiful words' through either sitting, standing or writing - and according to this - I was defined as 'someone special' within this world - I hid behind the words I spoke so that I could define me according to such words, I just had to sit, stand or write and so speak and not have to actually live and apply and take responsibility for me through practically living here in every moment of breath in example as solution for all as one as equal as life.

And who presents themselves with such 'beautiful words' in this world currently, which catch and grab many minds' attention? Human beings participating in 'spirituality' / spiritual organizations, spiritual masters, gurus, ascended masters, 'enlightened one's', 'Christ-consciousnesses', 'God-consciousnesses' - all consisting of and speaking 'beautiful words' - that's all - just beautiful words which they hide behind - to not actually practically live here, in taking self responsibility for all that they have accepted and allowed within themselves as the nature of themselves, to stand up and live here in every moment of breath as all as one as equal - because they have defined who they are as 'beautiful words' - and have hidden the truth of themselves within themselves.
They do not live self honesty in every moment of breath here as all as one as equal as life.

Any being - thinking or believing themselves to be of 'light' / 'of love' / 'of peace' / 'of beauty' / 'of greatness' / enlightened / have attained Christ-consciousness or God-consciousness / of ascension / of bliss and any being who present such words to others / promote such constructs to others: Is self dishonest and deceptive - because these are 'knowledge constructs' as words which they have defined as 'who they are' which give them a certain 'feeling of experience' within themselves which they use to hide behind, which they use to hide the truth, the truth of themselves as the true nature within: I know this - because I have done this and so are all doing this through promoting, presenting or believing themselves to be of such 'beautiful words' as 'knowledge constructs' which will cease to exist in death.
Such beings as I have as many have which have defined themselves according to such 'beautiful words' as 'knowledge constructs' - do not live and apply themselves in every moment of breath as all as one as equal, in taking self responsibility for all as one as equal of life, in standing up for all as one as equal of life.

Realize that self deception and self dishonesty exist when you define you according to 'beautiful words' as 'knowledge constructs' separate from you, which give you a certain specific 'feeling experience' within you according to which you define 'who you are' - and do not actually live and apply in every moment of breath as you: One and Equal for all as one as equal of life in every moment of breath - and live words as you as who you are here in breath as breath as you: The Living Word.

Don't make the same mistake I made and many of us have made:
Don't be mesmerized and hypnotized by beautiful words; don't deceive yourself through the presentation of 'beautiful words', don't be self dishonest and define you according to 'beautiful words' which give/present a certain 'feeling of experience' within you according to which you define 'who you are' - and so deceive you and be self dishonest with you by not living and applying you within and as self honesty in every moment of breath within and as oneness and equality as life as all as one as equal, and take self responsibility for you in every moment of breath.

Direct yourself, apply yourself in every moment of breath within and as self honesty as you - live words as you - as the living word, take self responsibility and stand up within you in purifying the nature of you within you as you - do not accept/allow you to be self deceptive and self dishonest through 'hiding behind beautiful words' to which you define 'who you are' - such as I have done.

Do not use who I was on earth as an example, discard everything I had spoken, I had said: Because everything and all that I was and had spoken was of self dishonesty and self deception within me - and thus who I was and the words I spoke supported self dishonesty and self deception within human beings - because the words I spoke was 'beautiful words' - presenting an opportunity to be used by human beings to 'hide behind', to 'hide the nature of themselves within themselves' to not actually stand up within self and take self responsibility and live here in every moment of breath within and as self honesty as all as one as equal as life in sorting out the nature they have accepted and allowed to be and become within themselves.

Set yourself free from all that exist of this world as 'beautiful words' - they are deception. And live here in every moment of breath as the living word as you as all as one as equal of life.

Jan 06, 2008
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